Why does your weight go up when you hit the gym? Apparently my muscles are in micro trauma right now...Ashleigh Cotterill, Tea Bird Tea - Week 4 Total weightloss 2.5 kilos - TBT123

It all went a bit sideways this week - I gained 0.5kilo, work became super busy between 750am and 930am every morning which was my designated daily gym spot so I had to go in the afternoons which is not my personal hotspot. In fact I would much rather be invoicing or filming some tea tins or eating ice cream with my kids at that time so I was so super bummed it took 2 weeks to write about it ;90/
I felt fat, I felt like a failure and was too busy to do anything about it. But I was still on the OYNB band wagon, I still got a couple of gyms in and my obsession with sugar had began to subside. Apparently my muscles are under micro trauma its says so here...
4 Reasons You Might Gain Weight When You Start Working Out
1. Temporary inflammation
The most likely reason your scale crept up is inflammation. When you work out, it causes little tears in your muscle fibers. This is called microtrauma and it’s why you feel sore after a workout.
On the upside, your body heals these little tears, making the fibers tougher than they originally were. That’s how you become stronger and fitter. It’s part of a process called adaptation.
To make these repairs, your body uses its standard healing process, including the inflammation phase — something that’s become a dirty word in our modern world.
When you incur injury, including microtrauma, your body releases various substances generally known as inflammatory mediators that swarm the area and perform triage, bringing in healing white blood cells and opening up blood vessels to flush out debris and toxins. There’s so much going in that area that it swells up, or inflames.
The fluid required for inflammatory response obviously weighs something — and that might show up on the scale. When inflammation is allowed to occur in a healthy way, it’s temporary.
Of course, keeping your diet healthy and allowing for adequate rest and recoverywill help speed the body to less inflammatory phases of healing, but the main key is to keep calm and carry on.
If you’re new to fitness — or perhaps just new to a particular kind of fitness — there’s going to be a lot of adaptation going on and therefore a noticeable level of inflammation. It should subside in a couple weeks.
Tea of the week - Oolong Song of the week - Into the mystic, Van Morrison ( must have been feeling homesick) Mood of the week - I'm so busy, its the end of the month, I have no money and I need my hair done! And the stats where not helping ;09//
Commenced TBT123 Week 4 January 2018
Weight | Actions taken | Lost | Total Weightloss |
78.0 kilos Stopped/ Started -0.5 kilo 2.5 kilo
Stopped Week 4 of new regime no alcohol now adding ice cream
Began being too busy for the gym - this is a common problem of mine hitting 3 weeks hard, getting some great results, looking much better and then the wall - I AM TOO BUSY. Yes we all know this is just an excuse but admittedly I really enjoyed the ice cream that came with this excuse!!!!!!!!
Theory: I admit that I am an expert at self sabotage - I have a naughty streak when it comes to sweet stuff which I really enjoy!
Week 4 End Week 4 Ashleigh Cotterill 78 kilos TBT123 total weight loss 2.5 kilos - frumpy gear Victoria Beckham called she wants her pants back so she can hide her shoes ;0)
Week 3 End Week 3 Ashleigh Cotterill 77.5 kilos TBT123 total weight loss 3kilos - need my roots done ;0)
Week 2

End Week 2 Ashleigh Cotterill 78.5 kilos TBT123 total weight loss 2kilos
End Week 1 Ashleigh Cotterill 79 kilos TBT123
Recap of why I am doing this...
1) Smash my baby weight gain out of the park - my ideal weight for my height is 65 kilos so I definitely wanted to get back to that as the last time I was that weight was when I ran my PB Marathon time of 4.30 HRS in the Sydney Marathon just before I became pregnant with my first baby - that was 6 years ago ;0/ tricky right! Still tricky and I believe I have been lulled into a false sense of security as I retain ridiculous amounts of water like Verucca in Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory when she turns into a giant blueberry and has to be squeezed - well thats me ;0/ but I am not purple.
2) Settle some key health goals - last year I completed the full body exec health check and I came out as extremely fit, (I ran Singapore marathon a few months before), desirable cholesterol (shocking really give my love of meat) and all bloods, liver function heart function excellent - apart from the fact I was 20 kilos overweight. How can you be both those things? Even the Dr seemed perplexed! Getting the courage up to book the next session will book a time slot before the end of Week 4 - I have not done I might wait (weight) get it ;0)
3) Improve and balance my moods - I get snappy at my family (BTW I am not saying slim people are not snappy because well some are just hangry but) its proven that your are what you eat and if you are putting rubbish in you will get snappy back from me ;0) I find I am less bothered by what others are saying or doing and I really don't care what they think about the OYNB experience - my children are driving me to distraction they are waking me up at 530 am everyday because they are now going to bed on time every night because I am so much more organised. This is really stressing me out and I wish they would stay asleep until the alarm goes off.
4) I am scared of cancer and disease - I am in the ball park, I have had it in my family, I just hit 40 and its effected my friends lives significantly - its all around apparently I can get it from getting my gel nails done so i have to give that up too. Drinking AND eating carcinogens have been a big part of my life for a long time now that I am being more focused I do have less irrational fears of disease!
- I L O V E S U G A R | I don't eat a lot of dairy but
- I L O V E M E A T | I don't eat a lot of sweets but
- I L O V E W I N E | I don't get to the gym that often because I hate it and I have no time but Stopped!
- I I L O V E E X C E R C I S I N G O U T S I D E Hit the gym hard and the gym hit me hard ;0)
- Anyway these are my key habits which are barriers to my success when it comes to kicking that extra 20 kilos I have lovingly collected over the last 6 years and I am ready to face them! Its 17.5 kilos to go now!!!!
5) I have some great clothes which I never get to wear and I am sick of my mum having digs about my weight - (mum I love you but seriously), and I don't want to end up in my 50's, 60's and 70's talking about weight - its boring and I love food, travel, experiences and celebrations with the ones you love TOO much to give in to boring food demons. I feel less tired this week and I noticed my posture is improving..
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