Roasted Dandelion Root Tea

Roasted Dandelion Root Tea Bird Tea
Roasted Dandelion Tea Bird Tea

When we were putting together the Tea Bird range we wanted different teas to deal with different parts of the body. Skinny Teatoxing is all over the place at the moment but what is it actually doing to hep you? Often many of the skinny teas have a laxative in them which makes you feel like you are loosing weight as they are sending you to the toilet every 30 mins.

While they are effective in the short term they are also sure to send you back on a binge streak in the longer term as you body feels starved of nutrients. The Tea Bird range targets different areas in order to improve your overall health and hydration so by drinking different teas you will gradually begin to feel better, fight those hunger pangs and detox your body on a daily basis.

Dandelion root tea does just that, targeting your liver and aiding a daily detox will help by stopping a build up of toxins that your liver has to process therefore naturally helping with day to day liver function.

Dandelion tea is often used as a caffeine free coffee substitute, historically known as the poor mans coffee, but it has been used as a medicine by the Arabian physicians of the tenth and eleventh centuries, who refer to it as a sort of wild Endive, under the name of Taraxcacon. Dandelion Tea is surprisingly delicious and has many health benefits, full of essential vitamins and minerals. 

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Referencing a history of the dandelion from Herbal Legacy

Dandelion roots have long been largely used on the Continent, and the plant is cultivated largely in India as a remedy for liver complaints. Dandelion (Indian Name: - Kukraundha or Kanphool) is a hardy perennial herb and a tasty salad vegetable. The flower stems of this plant grows up to a height of 30 cm. The sharply toothed leaves from flat rosettes on the ground. The common name dandelion comes from the French dent de lion, meaning lion's tooth and refers to the dentate leaf edges. A very common plant, dandelion grows wild almost everywhere. Dandelion is a native of Europe. In India it is found through Himalayas.

Nutritionally, the dandelion has remarkable value. It contains almost as much iron as spinach, four times Vitamin A content. An analysis of dandelion shows it to consist of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Its mineral and Vitamin contents are calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, Vitamin A and C.

The root is perennial and tapering, simple or more or less branched, attaining in a good soil a length of a foot or more and 1/2 inch to an inch in diameter. Old roots divide at the crown into several heads. The root is fleshy and brittle, externally of a dark brown, internally white and abounding in an inodorous milky juice of bitter, but not disagreeable taste. 

Digging up the roots
Only large, fleshy and well-formed roots should be collected, from plants two years old, not slender, forked ones. Roots produced in good soil are easier to dig up without breaking, and are thicker and less forked than those growing on waste places and by the roadside. Collectors should, therefore only dig in good, free soil, in moisture and shade, from meadowland. Dig up in wet weather, but not 

during frost, which materially lessens the activity of the roots. Avoid breaking the roots, using a long trowel or a fork, lifting steadily and carefully. Shake off as much of the earth as possible and then cleanse the roots, the easiest way being to leave them in a basket in a running stream so that the water covers them, for about an hour, or shake them, bunched, in a tank of clean water. Cut off the crowns of leaves, but be careful in so doing not to leave any scales on the top. Do not cut or slice the roots or the valuable milky juice on which their medicinal value depends will be wasted by bleeding. 

Dandelion's Top 5 - Rich source of vitamins and minerals

  1. Rich source of vitamins and minerals
  2. Leaves have the highest vitamin A content of all greens
  3. The roots have high amounts of choline which is an important nutrient for the liver
  4. Water retention can be aided as dandelion leaves are a diuretic that help to flush the system
  5. Dandelion flowers have lecithin, a nutrient that helps with liver aliments

Dandelion is a blood purifier that aids in removing toxins from both the liver and kidneys. High in Vitamins A, C & D. High in potassium, iron and zinc its the perfect daily vitamin supplement without the high price tag and in the shape of another pill. 

Tea Bird Dandelion Tea is made from organic roasted dandelion root with a delicious soft taste and caffeine free. While hydrating and aiding with any water retention it also acts as a daily liver detox to make sure you are ticking over on a daily basis. Its not always a huge life change that you need - just a bit of daily maintenance can go a long way...

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