Atilia Haron the Triple Whip - Gorgeous Singer, yogi, TV host and more importantly super nice person

With a pep in her step Atilia arrives with a smile on her face and an energy that makes you want to be part of whatever she is part of ;0)
Atilia is super busy teaching yoga in Damansara Perdana, Bangsar and in the Element Hotel in KL (built as one of the first green eco hotels from the ground up) so she really lives and breaths her healthy lifestyle.
If that makes you want to follow her check out some of her music with the most beautiful, silky voice - love this cover of Saving all my Love check it out and relax.
Atilia Haron, Malaysia’s singer/songwriter established the first YOTIW studio in Damasara Perdana and later expanded in Shah Alam ,Kuching and various partner locations around Kuala Lumpur & Selangor with MayHaliah Khadri and Shireen Salleh.
If you have not tried it the cafe in Hippie Hubbers serves up a healthy version of Malay food - which is great because we love our Malay Mei Siem and Nasi Lemak and soon can try our Sparkling Hibiscus Tea Bird on the menu.
We met on a hot dark night to share our new Chilled Sparkling Hibiscus Tea Bird with her yogis and get their feedback on what they thought. It was a great time to spend soaking up the yogi vibes @hippiehubbers and we look forward to hearing more from you guys.
The Hibiscus Healthy Skin is already to go sparkling infused Tea Bird which is packed with antioxidants and promotes healthy, glowing skin, to manage cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and for its diuretic properties to improve the function of bladder and bowels. Used to treat constipation.
New Organic Sparkling Hibiscus Tea Bird Tea - Healthy Skin | Caffeine Free | Sugar Free
YogaOneThatIWant (YOTIW) Studios, is your destination towards healthy living. Apart from yoga, YOTIW Studios also offer other fitness classes such as Pilates, Zumba, Box Fit etc. Be part of our community as you could make new friends, reduce stress, challenge your body and most importantly, commit to better health. Our exceptional teachers combine adept with creativity, compassion and humor, making YOTIW Studios the perfect place for beginners and experienced yogis alike.
Aside from our regular classes at the studio, we also provide classes to corporate companies such as Maxis, Axiata, WEBW, PR1MA, Khazanah, Celcom, Petronita and KWAP. We are also currently partnering with other studios in Bangsar (#yogabythepool) and Damansara Heights (Fuel Athletics), Denai Alam (The After School), TTDI (Rawsome), Kota Damansara (Yoga in the Green) and Jalan Binjai, Kuala Lumpur (Element Hotel) to provide yoga classes. Additionally, we organise free yoga sessions every Saturday morning at KLCC Park and it is open to public. (#freeyogafit). YOTIW is also now available on KFIT and FAVE (an online fitness sharing platform) which members of KFIT could book our classes in advance through their website.
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