Week 7 total weightloss 4 kilos Ashleigh Cotterill uses herself as the litmus test for Tea Bird Tea

Week 7 and only 45 weeks to go on the OYNB challenge - weightloss is slow as I fight my love for sugar, time which seems to run out on a daily basis just like Ground Hog Day , my sporadical attempts at going to the gym and my insane ability to watch netflix while I am working into the wee hrs of the morning.
Gee doing what you are meant to do on a daily basis over and over is actually pretty tough but certainly rewarding in many other ways. Just not sure what those are yet ;0) On the plus side I have become a lot more organised and content and I genuinely do not drink or need to reach for crazy strong coffee everyday.
I heard a funny story about Tiger Blood this week - apparently when your body is completely cleansed and free from processed foods, alcohol, gluten and dairy to within an inch of its life you will experience something called Tiger Blood.
Tiger blood is when your blood feels so clean that you experience a huge boost of energy, feeling of claret and general ability to do anything - I will let you know if I get there....
So do the teas work - yes they have broken my need for daily wake up caffeine - the taste really is preferable to coffee and my skin is glowing and our customers are saying the same thing!
Bianca says;
"I don't know why but your Ginger Snap tea seems to really stop colds and sore throats - I like to add some fresh ginger and drink it hot and I have told a few friends about it."
Ginger Snap Tea Bird is packed with Vitamin C and the secret ingredient is cloves which are an ancient natural medicinal herb/root full of anti-oxidants and anti bacterial properties read more here....
Week 6 Well I look like I have not slept in a week! and pure non stop work has helped me loose that half a kilo but i don't feel healthy or look vibrant
Week 5 Well I look like I mean business but hey lets see what the scales say next week!
Week 4 End Week 4 Ashleigh Cotterill 78 kilos TBT123 total weight loss 2.5 kilos - frumpy gear Victoria Beckham called she wants her pants back so she can hide her shoes ;0)
Week 3 End Week 3 Ashleigh Cotterill 77.5 kilos TBT123 total weight loss 3kilos - need my roots done ;0)
Week 2

End Week 2 Ashleigh Cotterill 78.5 kilos TBT123 total weight loss 2kilos
End Week 1 Ashleigh Cotterill 79 kilos TBT123
Recap of why I am doing this...
1) Smash my baby weight gain out of the park - getting there slowly
2) Settle some key health goals - 2 gyms done already this week - back in the game!
3) Improve and balance my moods - getting regular sleep feel great
4) I am scared of cancer and disease - hmmm..
5) I have some great clothes which I never get to wear - Palms and stripes says it all ;0)
Register for our weekly mailer to keep reading... and you will receive a free trial pack of one of our TBT123 teas targeting better digestion to Beat the Bloat.